Samstag, 17. März 2012


I feel like a dried-out sponge…
For how long will I flee from you?
You just want to love me and cure my heart
But when all is revealed I fall apart.

The more I fail the greater is your mercy
I’m running away from you
Just to have our next encounter
Then you’ll love me again as if nothing happened.

Accepting my brokenness sure did help
But how can I come up with the strength
To manifest a victory given away
As soon as I think I have overcome?

Facing my defeat, giving up on hiding
The time of confrontation has come
I’m showing up my empty heart
In desperate need for your love.

Shutting the gate behind me
I’ll hoist my banner of surrender and triumph alike
Exposing myself to death divine
And a resurrection yet to come for sure.

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